Once you've invited someone to join your company account, they'll receive an email containing a unique link generated specifically for them, valid only once. Upon clicking the link, they can create a password or access the system using single sign-on (SSO), depending on your company settings.
If an individual has not received their invitation email, you can take these steps to assist them:
Only Company Admins, HR Admins, and HR Managers can manage invitations for anyone to log into Built. Limited Admins can manage invitations for individuals within their specified scope. Learn more about managing user roles and permissions.
Make sure the invitation email isn't hiding in the person's spam or junk folder. Emails sent from systems are sometimes flagged as spam.
If the person still hasn’t received the invitation, you can try sending them the invite link from your own email account. To do this, first check their invitation status in Built, confirming it’s been sent. From the three-dot menu on the individual’s profile, click Resend Invitation. When the Resend Invitation window opens, retrieve the invite link, then paste the link into an email composed from your email account.
Notes about troubleshooting email invitations:
If you're trying to use the link on the person's behalf, you must be logged out of the system or the login attempt will be ignored.
If an individual is having trouble accessing the account via SSO, their current credentials can be reset by revoking their access and then reinviting them. To do this, navigate to their profile by entering their name or title in the field at the top of the main navigation. From their profile, click the three-dot menu next to their name, and then click Revoke User Access. Only a Company Admin can revoke anyone’s access. HR Admins and HR Managers can revoke access for individuals with user roles allowing fewer permissions than their own.
Please contact our Customer Success Team for additional assistance.
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