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Enabling the Okta Integration
Enabling the Okta Integration

Allow people to access Built using their Okta credentials.

Casey Cottrell avatar
Written by Casey Cottrell
Updated over 10 months ago

If you’re currently using Okta, you can allow individuals to access Built via Okta SSO. If your Built plan includes provisioning, you can also manage access to Built through Okta.

Available Okta Integration Features


Okta OIDC SSO with SCIM Provisioning

*Provisioning features are available with our upgraded integration subscription.

  • Assigned users can access Built via Okta SSO (SP and IdP Initiated).

  • Create Users: Okta users assigned to the Built application are automatically added as Built users.

  • Deactivate Users: When assigned Okta users are deactivated or unassigned from the app, corresponding Built users are automatically deleted.

  • Update User Attributes: Changes to a user's name or primary email in Okta will update the employee’s name and work email in Built.

Note: Provisioning features are built around an industry-standard protocol known as SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management). To learn more about how Okta works with SCIM, refer to: What is SCIM?

To set up your Okta integration, first subscribe to the Built app in Okta:

  1. Log into Okta as an admin.

  2. From the main menu, click the Applications dropdown, then click Applications.

  3. Click the Browse App Catalog button.

  4. Enter “Built” in the Search field, and select the Built application.

  5. Click the + Add Integration button and follow the prompts.

  6. Click Done.

  7. Navigate to the Sign On tab and click to Edit Settings.

  8. Under Advanced Sign-on Settings, enter your company identifier.

    Note: To obtain your company identifier, log into Built, navigate to Settings > Integrations, and click Okta Integration.

Next, configure the integration in Built:

Note: Only Company Admins can configure company integration settings. To learn more, refer to: Understanding User Roles & Permissions.

  1. In a separate browser tab, log into your Built account.

  2. Click your company name at the top of the main navigation, then click Company Settings.

  3. Click the Integrations tab.

  4. Click the Okta dropdown in the Integrations table, then click Connect.

  5. When the Okta window opens, enter the Okta URL, Client ID, and Client Secret.

    Note: You can locate your Okta URL in your Okta account by clicking the user dropdown in the upper right corner of the page. The URL will appear below your Okta username in the dropdown. To obtain your Client ID and Client Secret, navigate to Applications > Applications, select the Built app, and then click the Sign On tab.

  6. If your Built plan includes provisioning*, select Yes to enable user provisioning from Okta to Built.

  7. Click Connect.
    Note: If your plan includes provisioning, remain logged into Built to obtain the Built connection code when completing provisioning authorization.

To complete provisioning* authorization in Okta:

  1. Navigate to the browser tab where you are logged into your Okta account.

  2. Go to Applications > Applications, and select the Built application.

  3. Click the Provisioning tab.

  4. Click Edit to adjust the SCIM Connection settings.

  5. Paste{connection code}/scim/v2 in the SCIM connector base URL field, replacing {connection code} with your connection code provided by Built. In the API Token field, paste the token provided by Built.
    Note: You can locate the Built connection code and token by navigating to Settings > Integrations in Built.

  6. Click the Test Connector Configuration button.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click to Edit the Provisioning To App settings.

  9. Click the checkboxes for Create Users, Update User Attributes, and Deactivate Users.

  10. Click Save.

Assigning Users to the Built App in Okta

To allow people to access Built via Okta SSO, you must assign individuals to the Built application in Okta, including individuals you’ve already invited to your Built account. Assigned users can then access Built via Okta SSO.

Note: Individuals who created a password in Built prior to being assigned to the Built app in Okta will still have the option to access Built directly using their password. By enforcing SSO, you can prevent new Built users from creating a password. If your plan includes provisioning*, Okta SSO is enforced automatically for new Built users provisioned through Okta.

Provisioning* New Built Users in Okta

If your plan includes provisioning*, assigning an individual to the Built app will create a new user in Built if they haven’t already created a user account. If the person does not yet have a profile in Built, a profile will be created for the new user.

Note: Changes to a user's name or username in Okta will update the person’s name and work email in Built.

Deactivating, Unassigning, or Suspending Okta Users

When a user is deactivated, unassigned, or suspended in Okta, the user will be unable to access Built via Okta SSO. If the user is later reassigned to the Built application in Okta, their SSO access will be restored.

Notes about deactivating, unassigning, and suspending users:

  • If your plan does not include provisioning, a deactivated, unassigned, or suspended individual with an existing Built password can still access the platform using their password.

  • If your plan includes provisioning*, a suspended user with an existing Built password can still access the platform using their password—we recommend deactivating or unassigning users in Okta to revoke Built access.

  • Whether or not your plan includes provisioning, a deactivated, unassigned, or suspended individual’s employee status in Built will not be impacted. A person’s data will be maintained across Built as long as their employee status is active. If necessary, you can update a person's employee status manually or via import. To update an individual's employee status manually, navigate to their profile, click the three-dot menu next to their name, and then click Change Employee Status. Select the appropriate option from the Status dropdown before clicking the Save button.

Disabling the Okta Integration

You may disable the Okta integration at any time through Okta or Built.

Note: If your plan includes provisioning*, you must unassign users from the Built app in Okta before disabling the integration to ensure corresponding Built users are deleted and cannot access the platform with existing passwords.

To disable the Okta Integration in Built:

  1. Click your company name at the top of the main navigation, then click Company Settings.

  2. Click the Integrations tab.

  3. Click the Okta dropdown, then click Edit.

  4. When the Okta Integration window opens, click Disable.

  5. Click Yes, Disable the Okta Integration.

Please contact our Customer Success Team for additional assistance.

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