This article will teach you how to print a specific view, full version, or sections of your org chart. Keep in mind that sharing an org chart offers an alternative to printing, allowing others to interact with your chart. By applying org chart visualization tools, you can highlight important details when sharing or printing your chart.
To print your org chart:
From the main menu, navigate to the Org Chart page.
Click the Import/Export button on the toolbar in the upper right corner.
When the menu opens, select the appropriate format. Select PDF for optimal printing.
Select an org chart view to export:
Current View will export the view shown on your screen.
Full Org Chart will export a fully expanded chart showing all positions and currently displayed data fields.
One or More Chart Sections will appear as an option if you’ve created chart sections, allowing you to export individual sections on separate pages in the file. Note: If you have a large org chart, exporting one or more chart sections will optimize the scale of the displayed information.Select additional options such as Include current date, Include chart details, Include key metrics, or Fit to page.
Note: Fit to page will be automatically selected when exporting one or more chart sections.Click Export. A link will appear in the upper right corner of the page, confirming that your file is ready for download.
Note: The chart size and requested export details will determine how long it takes to prepare your download.
Please contact our Customer Success Team for additional assistance.
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(Available with our Advanced Org Design, Position Management, and Succession Planning modules.)