PTO account calculations and numbers can be a bit complex, depending on your organization's PTO policy rules. This article aims to help you understand the difference between your "Current Balance" and your "Remaining This Year". (See the bottom of this article for a video demonstration)
Current Balance
Your Current Balance represents the exact amount of hours you have in your account at this moment. Your Current Balance is calculated by adding any hours you have earned/accrued so far this year to any hours that you carried over from the previous year, and then subtracting any hours you have used so far this year. Clicking on the blue hyperlinked Current Balance number in your PTO account will open a window that displays these calculations.
It might be helpful to think of your PTO account like a bank account. In your bank account, your current balance is equal to whatever money you have deposited into your account, minus any money you have spent from your account. Your PTO account's Current Balance works the same way.
Remaining This Year
Although knowing how much you currently have in your PTO account is helpful, it is also helpful to know how much you have remaining to use this year. In situations where you accrue PTO throughout the year but are allowed to use the full annual amount in advance, your Current Balance doesn't tell you whether you still have additional time off available to use.
As you use time off in advance of earning it, your Current Balance will become negative. You may, however, still have additional available time off that you can schedule and use. The "Remaining This Year" statistic is very helpful in this scenario.
In order to calculate your Remaining This Year amount, we start with your Current Balance and then add any future scheduled accruals within the year. We then subtract any approved future time off requests, and that leaves us with the number of hours that you still have available to use this year.
Using our bank account analogy again, this would be the process as taking your current bank balance and adding all of your upcoming paychecks, then subtracting all of your upcoming expenses for the year. You'd be left with the amount of money available to spend (or save) this year.
Additional Resources
βWatch a brief video demonstration of Understanding Account Balances.